Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle



Comprehensive Audit Assurance Services!

We specialize in various types of audits, including financial statement audits, internal audits, and compliance audits. Our expertise spans across different industries, allowing us to tailor our audit procedures to your specific needs and challenges.

We prioritize financial transparency and accountability. Our audit assurance services encompass a wide range of areas, including financial statement audits, internal control evaluations, risk assessments, and compliance audits.

Our dedicated team of auditors is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. We understand the importance of independent audits in establishing trust and credibility in your financial statements. Whether you need assistance with statutory audits or require specialized audit services, we are here to provide you with exceptional audit assurance tailored to your unique needs.

Key Points Of Audit Assurance

What we Offer

Thorough Financial Audits.

Ensuring accuracy, compliance, and transparency in financial statements.

Compliance Assurance Services.

Assessing regulatory compliance and providing recommendations for improvement.

Risk Assessment and Internal Control Evaluation.

Identifying potential risks and enhancing internal control mechanisms.

Fraud Detection and Prevention.

Implementing measures to detect and prevent fraudulent activities within the organization.


Our Services


An audit assurance service is designed to provide an independent and objective assessment of a company’s financial statements, internal controls, and compliance with regulations.

An audit assurance service helps businesses ensure the accuracy and reliability of their financial information, enhances stakeholder confidence, and identifies potential risks and areas for improvement.

Some key benefits include improved financial integrity, compliance with regulations, risk identification and mitigation, fraud prevention, process improvement, and enhanced stakeholder confidence.

Auditors play a crucial role in conducting independent and objective assessments of a company’s financial statements, internal controls, and compliance. They provide valuable insights, recommendations, and assurance to stakeholders.

Internal audits are conducted by internal auditors within the organization to assess internal controls and operational processes. External audit assurance services, on the other hand, are performed by independent audit firms to provide an external and unbiased assessment of a company’s financial statements and compliance.

Yes, audit assurance services can help in identifying potential fraud by examining financial records, internal controls, and conducting data analysis. Auditors are trained to spot irregularities and signs of fraudulent activities.

The recommendations provided in an audit assurance service can help businesses improve their internal controls, risk management practices, and overall operational efficiency. Implementing these recommendations can lead to better financial performance and governance.

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