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Fueling Financial Success: GIFT CITY, Where Dreams Take Flight!

Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT CITY) is an ambitious project located in Gandhinagar, the capital city of Gujarat, India. Designed to be a world-class financial center, GIFT CITY aims to attract domestic and international financial institutions, foster economic growth, and position Gujarat as a global financial hub.

GIFT CITY was conceptualized to address the growing demand for a well-regulated and technologically advanced financial ecosystem within India. Initiated in 2007, the project has made significant strides in creating state-of-the-art infrastructure and providing a conducive environment for various financial services and institutions.

One of the key features of GIFT CITY is its comprehensive and integrated infrastructure. The city offers modern office spaces, residential complexes, commercial areas, social amenities, and public utilities. The buildings in GIFT CITY are designed to meet international standards, incorporating sustainable practices and energy-efficient technologies.

Key Points Of GIFT CITY

What we Offer

World-Class Infrastructure

GIFT CITY provides modern and well-planned infrastructure, including office spaces, residential complexes, commercial areas, and social amenities, designed to international standards.

Global Financial Hub

GIFT CITY aims to be a global financial hub, attracting domestic and international financial institutions, banks, insurance companies, asset management firms, stock exchanges, and other financial service providers.

Competitive Tax Regime

GIFT CITY offers a competitive tax regime, providing businesses with favorable tax incentives, exemptions, and concessions to promote investment and growth.

Single Unified Platform

GIFT CITY integrates various financial services and institutions, creating a single unified platform for banking, insurance, asset management, capital markets, and other financial activities, promoting efficiency and synergy.


Our Services


Setting up operations in GIFT CITY offers several advantages, including a competitive tax regime, a supportive regulatory framework, access to international markets, modern infrastructure, and a focus on technology and innovation.

GIFT CITY incorporates sustainable practices such as green building standards, renewable energy sources, and efficient waste management systems. It aims to create a sustainable urban ecosystem that balances economic growth with environmental responsibility.

GIFT CITY attracts a wide range of financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, asset management firms, stock exchanges, and other financial service providers.

The time required to set up a business in GIFT CITY depends on various factors, including the type of business, regulatory approvals, and compliance requirements. The authorities in GIFT CITY aim to streamline processes and ensure a faster setup.

While GIFT CITY primarily focuses on financial services, it also welcomes other industries to establish a presence within the city. The project aims to create a holistic ecosystem that supports various sectors of the economy.

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